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You must look to your husband. Lawrence Breeding, Esquire by DiscipleN
Mrs. But sir, my husband, hes sick. That is his role in society. Caravell, I could hardly mistake your predicament, but I never offer compensation for the rigors and expenses required to manage this particular condition. My Henry has consumed the total of your most generous original gratuity.

Our bargain was at an end four months ago. You led me to believe you would provide for us. Ill remind the lady of her modesty, outside, Mr. Lawrence inhaled his lungs full of Turkish opium fumes to indicate his conclusion of the discussion. He debated his greater enjoyment, to fill ones lungs with the sharp toxins or to breath them into a piteous, pregnant womans mask of terror.

Madam, once your loins embraced my seed, I cared not a fiddlers tune for their survival. My sentiment flowed alongside the blood that filled my cock. Can I not persuade you that. Caravell hollered as Smith hefted her over his shoulder and exited the library. I will have the authorities detain you for threatening extortion if you persist to engage us.

Lawrence Breeding chuckled, and then he drew a new breath of smoke. You may fuck her for all I care. He imagined them to be visions of the future. The plumes of his exhale, shapes like voluptuous women, writhed delightfully in the chilled air. I am the daughter of a respectable family!

Do not trouble my manservant if he decides to plunge his sword into your cooz. On his fourteenth birthday his father discovered him in the conservatory hewing his rampant member within the bleeding body of one of their celebrations guests. The butler grasp the woman firmly and bowed slightly. Once you were respectable, before I raped you. His aging father struck him senseless with his cane, and thereafter headaches plagued his life, worsening each year.

Have you no love for your blood? In his childhood, he had been the unremarkable heir of the Breeding fortune, destined to maintain a minor position in circles which altogether revolved too much around the same, empty point. Lawrence was nearly a shut in.

Her parents called on his father to pay for the service of a doctor for what was an obvious case of forced conception. He consumed the drug between conquests. The old miser had chosen to pay for a childs abortion than to to simply blame the girls low moral character for obviously seducing his son.

He knew that opium rotted his faculties through different means, and to restrict its use he had searched for alternate means to control the flames that blazed in his head. And his father had paid! He would be comatose from pain were it not for the drug. Ironically, it had been the twelve year old girl whom he had raped on his fourteenth birthday that supplied his initial treatment.

I can barely hear you. It would have been the normal course of these events. His head roared with torture. If I let go my hand from your mouth you had best not scream again, or I will sorely batter thee. He caught her at the theater one evening and dragged her into a cloak room as the actors bellowed their lines unto a rapt audience.

It had taken great fortitude of will to escape his sick bed and seek out the girl who had taken the cure. Her high pitched squeals wound down like a tin soldier. Lawrence loosed his fingers. Weeks later, Lawrence was still furious. Her child eyes, round and desperate were a potion.

Your father will punish you worse if you hurt me again. For all he knows, I am still in my bed, wracked in agony caused by his own hand. He will never believe that my hatred for you is far greater than the pains girl on girls porn video girl on girl in my head. Only it and the pleasure of ejaculating his powerful semen into the womb of a virtuous lady of society held the power to restrain his bouts with convulsive migraines.

He did not immediately detect the difference. His left hand unhooked the trousers from his engorged prick. Instead of striking the girl. And still I will have my way. Pull your dress up, wretched girl. Only her frightened breathing and pulse sounded. He ripped cord and seam in order to expose the girls slight breasts.

Lawrence tore at her bodice. He mauled her breasts, one and the other. Lawrence pulled on his cock. Pull them up, you child slut. Lawrence dug one hand into the thick petticoats that draped his victim. Marie hoisted her skirts. She shuddered and squawked. He tugged Maries dainties to her knees and pinned her to the floor. Her bloomers were bright white.

He simply leaned down and bit into the softness of her right ear. Slowly, he wriggled his cock up to the slot that offered entrance to her nest of creation. Soon, Lawrence thought, they would bear the red stain of his debauching. Lawrence consciously chose not to follow his fathers manner.

Lawrence joined chicksoutwest videos her closer. His foreskin winked at the trembling girl. You are a true slut, Marie. Little Marie loosed a flood of tears as she reached for the hem of her dress. It loosens and floods with desire. Your begging makes me harder than my fathers walking stick. Ill do anything if you stop.

He moved his dry cock inward, and was surprised by the amount of wetness that began to coat its thick shaft. Lawrence started a slow pace, drumming her clit with his pelvis. He refused to give that which would be until he thought her rightly punished. Her cunt fairly spit with her juice.

The youth dragged his prick back and heaved it forward again. Shut up, or Ill bludgeon you with my staff. Would you rather sooth my anger with your mouth? Anything, so long as you dont plant a child within me! Lawrence speeded his fucking inside the girls soft loins. You cannot plea forgiveness for the eagerness of your womb. Her silky innards sucked at his cock so that he could barely contain his seed, but he wanted this bitch girl to suffer.

Hah, I wouldnt give you the satisfaction of robbing me of my male right to conceive where I will. Lawrence, I – I cant help it. Lawrence beat his cock faster into the inflamed body writhing under his chest. Puckering sunk and flattened as blood filled tissue dragged at her groove.

It matters little when I can summon your wetness to lick at my rod. His heart leaped and his mind exploded. You are my slut, Marie. The agony in his head vaporized under the climax of his rape. He felt the unavoidable stir within. His balls rumbled and roared. He found her moaning beneath him. For several minutes his member twitched inside her as Lawrence regained his senses. Eventually, with a word.

Her labored breathing suffocated. He heaved his prick at her cervix and pulsed shot after shot of baby making semen right into her womb. Cock shot into the young bitch, stretching her skin. Lawrence spent whole weeks free from his migraines after particularly satisfying rapes. He pierced her inner lips, pushing the broad head of his organ into the twelve year olds tight cunny.

This time no one would blame him for the childs pregnancy. He wiped his sperm coated organ on her bloomers and left her sobbing. He had been young, and as he grew older, his pains only increased. If he simply raped women at whim, his stature in the community would have disintegrated like cold breath in a furnace.

Instead, he looked for ways his addictions could be used to social advantage, but more often it took hard cash to supply his need for society cooz. He later heard that she had been forced into a home for wayward women and issued forth her bastard child like a beast in the wild. Maries debauching had freed his mind for over a month.

Over time he evolved a most devious method for acting on his desires. Boiling, white richness gushed into her hole. He mashed his lips against Maries. Rich sons and daughters of ancient nobility and tomorrows merchant barons placed no restriction on their desires. If it could be had for cash, it could be theirs.

Lawrence was their mentor, and their torturer. Once attached, he introduced the husbands to the society of their betters. Aristocrats forever squandered their lives. He used greater doses of opium and laudenum each year, and of course he needed to find fresh, nubile and innocent victims. He sought out newlyweds of the middle class and befriended them.

Those that withstood his seduction were spared further attention. Most husbands fell into the trap head first. Experience over the years had imparted some wisdom to his methods. In the event you loved this informative article and also you want to obtain more info concerning female pussy cum (click the up coming website page) i implore you to go to our own web site. Plenty others there were to feed the hunger of the elite. He found his personal affliction was a subtle tool for relaxing the guarded.

Breeding, the doctor says the arsenic remedy is to blame. Penelope Caravell had been swifter than most. I introduced him to the finest of society, hoping to spark his inclusion. Often these men were quickly drained of their wages and credit, and their beautiful wives were clever enough to confront Lawrence.

His savings are exhausted, and new bill collectors call every day. Soon, I will have to sell the house and move in with my sister who scarcely has room for herself. It has cured the syphilis but left him quite unstable. I thought Henry was a fine man, destined to great accomplishments.

They are no friends of mine, and I suspect you of some hidden chicanery. Your friends have squeezed my husband of every penny. Only a few months ago, did we meet. I have spared few funds covering his debts and supporting your good name. Yes, but I have asked myself, why.

Nonsense, my sweet child. Henry spotted you among the well-wishers at our wedding, and had to beseech your name. I have heard, though, that your husband might not have been the best of loving men. He was so besotted that night I doubt we properly consummated our vows. This is tragic, dear Penelope.

He lays abed all day, muttering. I cannot be blamed for your husbands weaknesses. Long at the reception you kept him entranced with stories of your friends, and much drink did you share. You seduced my husband with promises. Perhaps, he would have had trouble regardless of sobriety.

And even before husband and wife could revel in their honeymoon, you swept him away to the hotels casino to meet with your friends. Henry was not he wisest of gamblers. The very next day you arrived with gifts and congratulations. He often hung on long after his luck ran dry. He became a stranger to me the day after.

That is most regretful, and I do recognize my blame in that disappointment. Hrrmp, fortune drained coin after coin in the ensuing months. I knew more about my husband before we married. I believe he was quite lucky that night. I can explain everything. Lawrence nodded to his butler, Smith.

I want to know why you have done this. His solemn and absolutely faithful servant did not smile. We can discuss this, but please do not give in to your womanly suspicions. Let me refresh your drink. You can only be the source of his great fortune.

He had grown quite an ability to mask his migraines, especially as he verbally sparred with the suffering spouse. It was the subtlest of foreplay. I am only sorry that you didnt know this about your husband. Once the master was confident the door was secure, he made his move.

He let his suffering simmer. Caravells letter arrived, requesting an appointment, Lawrence Breeding ceased to ingest even the mildest of narcotics. I am the villain in this story you speak so well. Caravells tumbler with potent wine, and then he left the room, locking it most silently.

Smith knew this was the moment so much effort spent had prepared for. Rising to his feet, he began his speech. However obscured by time, buried through conscious effort, or even masked by pain, such a motive must withhold all temptation of repentance. They consume you as much as you them.

Yet even a villain has some motive that once revealed explains much, sometimes causing great sympathy. Then what, why have you led my husband to his present state? I understand your use of what many people consider to be immoral agents of relief.

You have described many times, your headaches, Mr. Lawrence stepped once, closer. It was never my intention for harm to ever befall you. Penelope, are you so blind, you see the ruins but not the glory they once beheld? Sir, you become most familiar. The pains of my mind are empty this day.

Your husband, he ruined it all. Caravell accused loudly. You are my light, my joy. That is not the sympathy to which I refer. I could not even help your husband extract himself from petty vices. Light does not injure them. I would no more sacrifice the bullock in your field than scratch your lovely hand, were I to kiss it.

Lawrence grabbed a handful of her skirt and held it to his nose. You are my atmosphere. This is most peculiar! Did he detect the faintest hint of her sex? You fill them and bless them all the way through my mind and into my heart. Only one woman had ever swooned after his oily words, and he had dismissed her without a moments hesitation. If he were lucky, this one might pose especially difficult.

Let me fall at your feet and soil your hem with my tears. If this is true, then I must leave you. Drugs have not touched them. There it was, the final key that released the battering inside his skull. I have fallen in love with you, and I am a miserable coward, simpering and impotent. Penelope leapt to her feet as he kneeled before her.

I am here only to hear your confession. Then I will send you to him with that which his love failed to achieve. Breedings skill at seduction never failed to fail. I could never own feelings for you sir. Any man who forgoes his brides fertility for the folly of status is not worthy of generating his kind upon the world.

Yes, let me kiss your feet and adore you from the lowest of places. He tugged her ankle, and her precarious stance collapsed. She kicked all too slowly at the hand upon her dress. I can release you less easily than I can pluck a stone from my gall. She surprised him by cuffing his temple, but the pain that freed his repressed migraine only enraged Lawrence Breeding.

I shall tear your hymen with a dagger once I defrock you. He stood holding his throbbing skull. Lawrence dragged her across the floor by the hem of her dress. You should not have done that, wench. The cry pierced his weak brain, and he momentarily lost his grip to an unendurable bolt of agony which flashed through him.

She rolled over the Persian carpet as he fell upon her, but her petticoats were too voluminous to avoid capture. Caravell naturally underestimated her situation. He tugged the shoe off in one breath. Its red velvet alone could not disguise the many tortures dealt upon it.

Lawrence captured her by the waist as she pounded at the lacquered maple wood. Once again he transported her to the divan. She failed to move it. Oh sir, set me free, and I promise I shall never trouble you again.

The woman leapt to her feet and raced to the door. The physical fight had exhausted her, a woman accustomed only to the efforts of setting tea. Skirt and bloomers offered little cushion to break her fall. Pomegranates revealed their fruit more easily than common women. I plead you for mercy, sir! Repeated cleanings refused to lift all discoloration.

I commanded you to disrobe, wretched harlot! The skirt separated at the waist and white undergarments sprung out like daisies beneath a handkerchief lifted. He could not last long as pain mounted within. He cuffed her cheek vehemently. Still she failed to move, fright anesthetizing her muscles.

Lawrence caught her foot easily. Lawrence pulled her train with the might of the damned. She wailed, but her hands finally jumped to the task of unhooking her top layer. Her last hook released. I shall cut them and anything obstructing, even flesh.

Lawrence was forced to pull the short blade hidden in his boot. To the straining cords, he applied his sharp edge. Trouble yourself to remove your bodice, else I set a metal edge to your calicoes. Lawrence turned her sideways to remove her bodice and access her corset. His fight to maintain his erection cost him important attention.

At her screeches, pain reared above his tolerance. At last, her bloomers were accessible. Tears flowed into her remaining, thin chemise. His knife clattered to the floor. It was a musk that never failed to harden his cock to iron. He sank his face to breath the perfume of her secret place. He could barely see the blade he flashed before her bosom. They snapped like bullets.

Caravell saw mans ugliness for the first time. Her one experience with her drunken husband had occurred in darkness as was proper. Penelope, reduced in her defenses was reduced to whimpering. His other hand reached into her skirt and drew it crudely down her thighs.

Lawrence ripped them with two hands. She recoiled at the snake. Few seconds passed as he freed his strengthened manhood. Her voice was barely that of a mouse. His fists beat her thighs to release her instinctive tensing. His other hand grasp a thinly veiled breast, and fingers dug their nails in.

He cupped a palm to her mouth and commanded her. The aristocrat smiled at her pinhole eyes as she worked to produce the fluid he required. Slippery fingers worked their way through them. The outer folds of her cunt resisted, dry as grandmothers. Lawrence Breeding crawled on top of her and whispered. Lawrence thrust his cock forward and embedded himself into the womans pit.

Please, anything but that. His splitting brain could not be restrained a second more. His cupped hand reached between her legs and applied her spittle directly upon her lips there. Even the pain reeled at her smell. Her howl was the first to bemuse him. Hold me secure, and I shall bring desire to your heart.

Now is the angel fallen, her screams unheeded, her tortures only begun. They found her bud free no download lesbian porn shrunk and hidden deep. You are, the proud Mrs. Halfway, his decent slowed at her hymens resistance, but like all others it died, tearing into bloody strands from his momentum.

Caravell sobbed, a fiend. Lawrence withdrew the length of his horn and pressed it inside for a second time. He had learned much of the ways of women, in order to extract the maximum dose of their drug. Love shall ward them back to hell upon our completion. His fucking started as a groan might. With power and despoilment he would claim them, but through slyness and corruption did he break them.

They spoke in her ear. His face was upon her breasts kissing them, moistening her chemise in two circular blotches. Her body shuddered from its unexpected gentleness. She would have had to have been made of stone to resist.

Released from impending unconsciousness, he brushed his lips against the fair skin of his victims cheek. His cock dived like whales in winter, slow and continuous. If a fiend I must be to open your eyes to my longing, then may devils dance around us.

Out of nothing at all, barely perceptible pulses grew into deep rumbles. It slipped through, delighting at the softness yielded unto it. It splayed her flesh and aroused the bud of her sex. The sensation was worth twenty lungfuls of poisonous smoke. Soon, my dear you will step from maidenhood into motherhood.

Her lubricious spittle was increasingly renewed from within, and his plundering hastened. This can be no theft if you give it willingly. I mean to see you through your troubles and past the dawn of your delivery. Lawrence felt the first signs of semen marshaling in his loins. Lawrence smiled and closed his eyes from warm pleasure soaking into his plundering manhood.

Tis a doctors prick to bleed ill humors. Glorify me Penelope, and accept my love. To your health, I drink deeply. Let your concerns wither with your shame. He kissed her lips, offering his tongue to mimic the probe engaged beneath her. Her bosom rose in time with his thrusting. He listened to her breath and knew she would not fail him.

Penelopes sex flowered. His prick sang like a needle dragged across canvas. The salt of his buried sea roiled as her cunt welcomed his piston. She trembled beneath him. Its bud was full in blood and sang to her lustily. Her body shifted on the red velvet and her hands fell away. My house is a paupers, and the doctor might claim rent equal to your theft.

He pushed in and dredged, additional slime coated his shaft and glistened in the gaslight. Her arched and her hips greeted his pulse. Only the tiniest corner of her true character remained to refute the criminal act commenced inside her. Penelope gripped the hilt of his dagger.

Semen stirred at her swoon. Her thoughts were so entwined by fear and hope and desire she hardly remembered the weapons function. Two mounds slid up and down – nipples erect felt wet linens grate. You have been so cruel.

Truth clung to the blade and survived. A gleaming pinpoint aimed shakily. Penelope knew this was her last chance before she was bred with child, a demon spawn to be. He plumbed his passion to greater heights, but this woman had traveled her journey like none other. Even her breasts heaved for him. She was his, body and soul.

Behind his back, her arm raised. Black or white, it would destroy her forever. The dagger fell upon his back, ignored. Evil pleasures surging out of her womb harbinged of apocalypse secreted behind an opaque curtain sweeping through her torso. His mind had escaped the earthly realm. Floods of heavens ocean filled her and transported her beyond any escape.

Loves love let love enter thy fruit and multiply. Her body convulsed, and her cooz rippled her lovers anointment along to its destination. Lawrence spoke as if dreaming aloud, and he erupted inside her with white lava. Lawrence willed himself to continue. Its color was unknown.

White spume squirted out of her from the pressure. They kissed and held one another dearly. Lawrence continued to plunge his cock through her folds, release after release. Thus, had the right and proper Mrs. Her hand accidental struck it as she swooned beneath her forceful lover.

Like animals, they rutted long after their divine purpose was fulfilled. At long last their bodies stilled, and only the hiss of gaslight disturbed the silent library. He told her they would be together in love forever, and he refreshed her husbands finances.

In joy, Penelope told a complement to him, their first joining having conceived their child. Penelope cried out joyous. Breeding, Esquire cut her off completely. The inner mouth could not deny its passage and boiling semen rushed to the egg hidden deep within.

They met every day thereafter and cavorted until certainty revealed her impregnation. In one of daily notes of loves affirmation, delivered by his man, Smith, Mr. Come the day of his first headache, he ceremoniously extracted himself girl porn hd from all concern for Mrs. Sitting upon his library chair he paged through The Times to the society column listing the happy announcements of weddings.

Only then did he entertain her request for an audience. Months passed before the woman had become truly desperate again. Lawrence tossed her every note until one burned with venom. His servant prick pinned her to the doors and his passion drove right through her expectant frame. Letters arrived, telling of disbelief and shock, then of heartbreak. In return he had marveled to her that he was cured, and she was the blessed goddess whose miracle had found him.

Smoke, held thick in his lungs, released as he laughed at the thunderous ramming upon maple wood doors. Smith, having exited as politely as possible with a hysterical woman perched on his shoulder, could not withstand nature one step further. Yes, she had been quite good. Lawrence listened to her shrieks and sighed.